Halloween! Just finished these little button jars and a spoooky spider! I just love creating Halloween goodies! It brings a big ole' smile to my face! :)
These little treasures are listed in my etsy shop!
I got my summer issue of Prims Magazine in the mail! I just love the photo's they did of my Little garden fairies and Yoko the fly! It's an awesome issue with lots of very talented artists! I'm so lucky and overjoyed to be featured again!
Posted by: Crystal Cord in artist, Crystal Cord, Em's Prims, ems_prims, Etsy, etsyshop, handmade, Home Decor, ladybug, new goodies, primitive, Summer, Sweet Nothings, whimsical, whimsy decorThe long lost art of blogging!
Posted by: Crystal Cord in artist, bee, bug, Crystal Cord, doll, Em's Prims, Etsy, etsyshop, handmade, primitive, prims magazine, Something Whimsy, Summer, Sweet Nothings, whimsical, whimsy decorWell it's been almost two years since my last post. I guess it's time to dust off the old keyboard and get at it!
Last fall my little dolls were published in Prims Magazine and I will be featured in the upcoming summer issue coming out this May! I'm so excited!! My Hubby and the kids made this little scrappy picture frame for me for the fall issue. I just love it!